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200 hour RYT & 50 hour RYT


Teacher Training

Online Teacher Training
Discount: 999 euros!

Who are the teachers ? 

        The teachers that will guide you daily through this online journey are Silvana Alfonso & Giulietta Evans ( Etta ).


What type of certificate will I receive ? 

        Just like a normal Teacher Training your will receive a Yoga Alliance certification that is valid world wide. 


When can I start ? 

       Well, this is the best part. You can start & finish whenever you want. We give all students the time of one year to complete their studies & once you have graduated you will have three months access to all our our content. Every book that will be given to you is yours to keep!


Where do I study?

       From home or from wherever you like. All you need for this training is a computer, internet & a Yoga mat! 


Why is an Online Teacher Training good for me. 

      This course is great for who has a busy schedule and can't commit to a Teacher Training. Completing the course online, you will have full access to daily videos that explains everything you need to know that you can play back an infinite amount of times. Theres also no rush, we give you daily assignments that you can choose to do when & how you want. We have weekly check ups where you will send us videos teaching what you've learned that week. You can take a break from the training whenever you need and resume when you're ready. We also give daily meditation, pranayama & yoga classes for you to practice with. 




How does it work? 

200 HOUR TEACHER TRAINING - Find other Trainings & Prices below.

                 Understand the Pricing:  $1 = 1 euros



We have two online training:


We have two ONLINE Teacher Trainings - What does that mean? You can decide to choose a ONE ON ONE PRIVATE ONLINE training, so having complete one on one 24\7 assistance  & corrections as we work with you every step of the way. ( Cost of 1500 euros - pay in 3-6 monthly rates ) - The world wide recognized certification with Yoga Alliance, you will receive 100% full support and guidance just like a real in person training. Infact the outcome is exactly the same as our in person trainings since we have you practice teaching also real people throughout the whole training. Included is also all special classes and workshop during the time of your training is FREE + One month of unlimitted free Yoga at our school's - online or inperson. 


The other option is the SELF ONLINE TRAINING, where you are given the same exact material as the ONE ON ONE PRIVATE TRAINING but you go through the training by yourself without daily assistance and corrections. At the end of your training you are asked to upload a full class of your teaching the sequence \ yoga class you have learned to teach. From there you will either receive corrections to better your teaching skills until you qualify for your certification.. Cost: 399euros - One payment. 


How to qualify for a certification? By studying all material that is given and teaching a great yoga class! :D

 Once you've sign up you will have access to our Daily Studies Slide Presentation where you will find daily videos of us teaching & explaining everything you need to know about Yoga + you will learn three types of sequences ( Hatha Yoga, Power Yoga Vinyasa Level 1 & 1.5 ) Here you will also find your daily Yoga classes & Meditations. Every week you complete you will upload on these slides a video of you teaching what you have learned that week. The way the students will  upload their videos is very easy & simple to learn. 


The total payment is $1500 that you can pay in three payments of $500 in 3 months. 


During this online journey we are 24\7 at your service for any questions you may have. The manual, all books & PDF's are included in the price. If you live near Florence you can come and ask us question whenever you want. All private classes are included as well either you can come to the Yoga studio or join a Live streaming calls. 


We have created this online journey in a way that we can dedicate all of our time and love with students everywhere. 


What about physical adjustments ? In Italia Power Yoga's we do not believe in physical adjustments. Why? We belive that every students has their own time and need to learn how to feel their own body. Instead of the teacher going to physically correct the students we prefer to slow down the class and show everyone what not to do then explain clear how to enter the pose correctly and what to feel. Its more likely for them to remember something that they corrected themselves alone rather then the teacher coming to fix them. This technique brings us two things:


1. The students learns how to feel it's own body and slowly understands what is right and what is wrong. 

2. We avoid completely injuries or any misunderstanding when it comes to touching your students. 

3. The teacher becomes able to guide a class completely with correct wording which is considered to be a strong quality to have as a teacher. 

New One week ONLINE & One Week IN PERSON

200 hour Teacher Training Power Yoga Vin

50 Hour Teacher Training



300 tt.jpg


Tantra, Kundalini & Vinyasa

The goal to be my self no matter where I


A deep understanding of what is around us. 

Yoga Class

200 Hour Teacher Training



Yoga Practice



Child's Pose

100 hour Yin Yoga 

Teacher Training



                 Understand the Pricing:  $100 = 100 euros


100 hour TT


In Person Teacher Training Price: $750

ONLINE  Teacher Training Price: $600


50 hour TT


In Person Teacher Training Price: $600

ONLINE  Teacher Training Price: $595


100 hour TT

Tantra & Kundalini

In Person Teacher Training Price: $750

ONLINE  Teacher Training Price: $600


50 hour TT

Yin Yoga & Anatomy

In Person Teacher Training Price: $750

ONLINE  Teacher Training Price: $595


200 hour TT


In Person Teacher Training Price: $2000

ONLINE  Teacher Training Price: $1500


300 hour TT


In Person Teacher Training Price: $2600

( PERSONAL room & KING bed included)

ONLINE  Teacher Training Price: $2600



- Ci saranno dei touch base settimanali individuali per monitorare il progresso? In che modo verranno effettuati?

    Questo avviene sul portale dove possiamo comunicare giornalmente. 

- Voi valutate il progresso solo tramite l’invio del video della classe che lo studente deve riprodurre?

     E anche dalla comunicazione sul portale dove ci scriveremo e sentirci per telefono se necessario.

- Io studente ha accesso ad un portale online per capire quali moduli ha fatto e dovra’ fare?


- Se uno volesse completare il percorso nel tempo minimo, quanto ci impiegherebbe?

    Dipende da te e quante ore studi al giorno puoi completarlo da un minimo di 3 settimane a 1 mese e mezzo o 2 mesi , dipende da te e il tuo impegno.

- Quanti moduli ci sono?

    Il corso e' 1 dove impari 1 sequenza di 1 ora e la parte teorica.

- Dopo quante sessioni e mesi viene rilasciata la certificazione?

    Appena fai l'esame scritto e pratico (tu insegni la lezione o dal vivo venendo da noi o per video).

- la Yoga Alliance riconosce questo training online oppure ha accettato di farlo alla luce del blocco del Coronavirus?

    SI, il corso e' riconosciuto dalla yoga alliance non ci sono specifiche o distinzioni.

- Sulla certificazione risulterebbe che il training e’ stato fatto online?

    No, il certificato e' unico.






Italia Power Yoga provides a beautiful space to practice power vinyasa flow right in the heart of Santo Spirito and Piazza Beccaria. Come get your yoga on!​ 

© 2016 by Italia Power Yoga.


Italia Power Yoga

Via Della Chiesa 36r Firenze 50125

Via Giacomo Leopardi 10 Firenze 50121


+39 3495340565


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